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The first garden in the late Qing Dynasty · National AAAA Level Tourist Attractions
National key units · The first batch of national key parks

扬州市何园管理处招聘劳动合同制工作人员成绩公示    2018-07-10

  • Latest Announcement
  • Heyuan activities
  • family story
  • Huacai
  • Construction
  • Research tour
  • He Family Training
  • he-garden conducts safety inspection


    On the morning of June 21, according to the safety production month of Heyuan Management Office, the main leaders of the Managemen...

  • he-garden Branch carried out the "I am the party speaker" activity


    In order to commemorate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party, deepen the institutionalization of the "two studie...

  • he-garden conducts safety inspection


    On the morning of June 21, according to the safety production month of Heyuan Management Office, the main leaders of the Managemen...

  • Introduction

    National key cultural relics protection unit, national AAAA level tourist attraction

  • family story

    He Garden, formerly known as Sending Xiaoshan, is the finale in Yangzhou’s private gardens.

  • Miss He

    Pretty if the peach of the spring, the essence of the nine autumn

  • Celebrity Garden

    a family of feudal and enlightened

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    He Garden, formerly known as Sending Xiaoshanzhuang, is the finale in Yangzhou's private gardens. The national key cultural relics protection unit, the national AAAA-level tourist scenic spot, and the Beijing Summer Palace and Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden were also awarded the first batch of national key gardens. The He family has a close relationship with several famous big families in the modern history of China: Li Hongzhang, the minister of Beiyang, and Sun Jiaxuan, the teacher of the Guangxu emperor, are the relatives of the children of the same town, advancing and retreating together; and the more famous teacher Weng Tonghe of the Emperor Guangxu and the Qing court Zhang Zhidong, a representative of the minister and the Westernization Party, also has an in-law relationship.


  • Introduction to the owner

    He Wei (also a child, a knife-shaped boat)

  • State crisis

    Patriotism sense of justice, not arrogant, calm and calm

  • Chizhi University

    Adhering to the legacy of the public

  • Past traces

    a family of feudal and enlightened

  • Noble family

    The owner of the garden, the Qing Dynasty is a product, the first three generations are all increasing or Jin Zengguang Lu

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    He zhi dao  (also a child, is a knife-shaped boat), the name is He Weijian, he is the word, he has another table: holding. He is a native of Wangjiang County, Anhui Province, He Jun’s father, He Jun, the word Jin Fu, and Yi Minmin. Since He Jun’s political achievements in Jiangsu’s administration were prominent, the Qing Dynasty’s court gave him the first three generations of The great-grandfather, grandfather, and father all increased or promoted Guanglu, and the Jiangsu Buzheng added three.

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